Since I was a child, I spent a week each summer in Ahrntal, next to Österreich. I developed a deep connection with this place and its inhabitants. A piece of my heart lies within these mountains, they really mean something to me.

Forcella del Picco



Second big passion: theatre and Stand-Up comedy.

Right after the beginning of my PhD, I started attending an Improvisational Theatre course in Genova, with the association Maniman Teatro.

Almost at the end of my PhD, while I was procrastrinating\sout{\text{procrastrinating}} writing my PhD thesis, I started attending a StandUp Comedy course, led by Annalisa Arione, Daniele Marcori and Stefano Gorno.

I love being on stage. I am scientist, I am a selfish person, and acting in front of a group of people makes me feel alive.



Opening De Carlo

The last photo was taken in Tolfa, while I was doing the opening act for Francesco De Carlo.